نبذة شخصية:
Also getting a procedure done increase the premium of the medical insurance of the patient. There are sometimes procedures that are not covered by medical insurances in Western countries, like plastic surgeries, or cosmetic treatments. A lot of tourist come to India to get life changing procedures done like hip transplants, knee replacements, cardio-logical procedures like open heart surgeries, or even cancer treatments and then stay on for post operative care. Also there are people who come for holistic development like, Ayurveda, yoga or other mind and body healings, these practices are native to India. It marks the birth of Padmasambhava, who is highly regarded as the the founder of Tibetan Buddhism. With is a huge relief for someone who is suffering. The concierge option is therefore particularly recommended for international patients who need guidance in choosing doctors, health facilities and treatment options. From handicrafts to paintings, India has a lot to offer to anyone who cares to appreciate it. Medical treatments in countries like the United States and the United Kingdom cost a lot and a lot of the citizens cannot afford them, so they choose to come to India, pay almost one tenth of what they would back home and received the same service and post operative care.