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تعبير عن ذكريات الطفولة في المدرسة بالانجليزية ، التعبير هو احد اقسام اللغة العربية والتي يعبر فيها الفرد عن كل ما يجول بخاره دون قيد بحرية تامة ، فالتعبير من الاقسام المهمة في اللغة العربية ، فاللغة العربية تضم ثمانية وعشرون حرفا يمكن من خلالهم تشكيل العديد من الكلمات والجمل والعبارات المختلفة ،والتي لها معنى واضح ومقصود .

تعبير عن ذكريات الطفولة

عندما يتم كتابة تعبير عن الطفولة فانه يروادنا احاسيس رائعة وجميلة عن الطفولة والعديد من الاحداث التي تؤثر في حياتنا ،فمن المميز ان يكون هناك بعض الذكريات السعيدة التي تذكرنا بالطفولة ةالاشخاص الذين كنا نحب قضاء الاوقات معهم فالطفول تضم العديد من الاحداث والذكريات المميزة .

كلام عن الطفولة

الطفولة تعتبر من الامور التي بامكانها ان تشكل شخصية ومستقبل الشخص فهي تذكرنا دائما باجمل الايام ، وتساعد الطفولة وذكرياتها بتخطي الايام الصعبة التي تواجهنا كما انها تجعلنا نتعلم التجارب والاخطاء السابقة التي تطور من ذاتنا .

حل سؤال تعبير عن ذكريات الطفولة في المدرسة بالانجليزية

My childhood was full of happy memories with my lovely family, I had three siblings that I loved playing with them very much, I remember all the toys we used to play with, and we used to go out of the house to play in the park with sports equipment, like soccer equipment. really, it’s great memories.

I remember the smell of my grandmother’s food and remember it’s delicious taste, as I used to eat food made by her, as she used to mix spices and oils, so the smell seemed very delicious, and I also remember when I went out with my family and my siblings on a walk to visit the zoo and spend a wonderful day, where my mother prepared a perfect lunch to have it in the garden.

We enjoyed taking the most beautiful memorial photos to document this special memory, and I always smile whenever I see these photos and remember those beautiful days that bring happiness and comfort to my heart.

One of the most important things that shape my childhood memories is that they were able to shape my personality and my future and always remind me of the most beautiful days of life.

This memories help me overcome the difficult days that I face, in addition to that, they make me learn from past experiences and mistakes so that I can develop myself.

My childhood memories also include the first day of school, when I had a very wonderful feeling, I also remember birthdays, which were joyful in all their details, as we used to celebrate, buy gifts, decorate the house and invite friends and family, during these times I was living the most beautiful moments of my life

1 إجابة واحدة

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بواسطة (297ألف نقاط)
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My childhood was full of happy memories with my lovely family, I had three siblings that I loved playing with them very much, I remember all the toys we used to play with, and we used to go out of the house to play in the park with sports equipment, like soccer equipment. really, it’s great memories.

I remember the smell of my grandmother’s food and remember it’s delicious taste, as I used to eat food made by her, as she used to mix spices and oils, so the smell seemed very delicious, and I also remember when I went out with my family and my siblings on a walk to visit the zoo and spend a wonderful day, where my mother prepared a perfect lunch to have it in the garden.

We enjoyed taking the most beautiful memorial photos to document this special memory, and I always smile whenever I see these photos and remember those beautiful days that bring happiness and comfort to my heart.

One of the most important things that shape my childhood memories is that they were able to shape my personality and my future and always remind me of the most beautiful days of life.

This memories help me overcome the difficult days that I face, in addition to that, they make me learn from past experiences and mistakes so that I can develop myself.

My childhood memories also include the first day of school, when I had a very wonderful feeling, I also remember birthdays, which were joyful in all their details, as we used to celebrate, buy gifts, decorate the house and invite friends and family, during these times I was living the most beautiful moments of my life

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